Prabhava – Two meanings:
1. a) Specific action of a substance; b) that action not understandable from an examination of its guna, rasa, veerya, vipaka
2. the specific action of a drug is not toward dosha but toward an organ, tissue, or disorder
3. most drugs affecting srotamsi do so through prabhava
4. technically, the actions of emetics, purgatives, narcotics, poisons, intellect promoting drugs, the cardiotonic effect of arjuna, anthelmintic effect of vi¿anga, and antitoxic effect of tridosha effect of amalakee
5. supersedes all other effects, usually
6. acts on the deposition (sthanasamsraya) and manifestation (vyakti) stages of samprapti by being used primarily for an affinity to a tissue (dhata), organ (avayava), or channel (srotas) collectively called the duÃya affected by dosha
7. acts through chemical nature of the substance
- as a category of drug action there is much correspondence with modern notion of isomerism
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