Posted by curesure Mohamad Labels:

Botanical Name— Citrus limon Var. acida

 / [C. medica (Linn.) Burn. f. or C. medica Linn-var. limonum Hook f.]


Names in different languages
Hindu-Kagaji Nimbu; English -LemonTelugu- Nimmachettu;
Synonyms—Jambira, Dantasatha
Scientific classification: The citron belongs to the family Rutaceae. It is classified as Citrus medica. The citron melon is classified as Citrullus vulgaris, variety Citroides, in the family Cucurbitaceae.

Scientific classification: The lime belongs to the family Rutaceae. It is classified as Citrus aurantifolia. The Perrine lemon is classified as Citrus limon aurantifolia.

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
 Caraka           Phala Varga, Amla varga
Suruta             Phala varga
Vgbhata          Phala varga

This drug commonly used in Rasa sãstra . it coming under Amla varga. Its juice is considered to be Vyadhi-viparitarthakãri cikitsa in Amlapittai Süla.this herb have high Vitamin -C value.

Varieties & adulterants 

(1) Vana Jambira (wild lime)-. Atalantia malabarica (Rafin.) Tanaka or A. monophylla correa.

(2) Jambira (lime)— Citrus aurantifolla (Christm) Single or mediaca Linn. Var. acida watt.

(3) MistanimbUphaja (sweet lime)— Citrus limetta Risso.

(4) Naranga (orange)— Citrus reticulata Blanco or C. aurantium Linn. Var. aurantium.

(5) Madhukarkati (pummelo or paradise apple)— Citrus maxima (Burm). Merr.

(6) Nimbuka (lemon)— Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f

(7) Bijapüra (citron)— Citrus medica Linn. or C. niedica var. medica Watt.
(8) Svalpa Jambirikã
(9) Mistaphala
Citrus medica

A straggling, bushy, small tree, 3-4 m. high, with thorny branches.
Leaves—ovate, petiole margined or winged.
Flowers-small, white or pinkish, sweet-scented.
Fruit- oblong or ovoid, usually with a nipple-shaped extremely, bright yellow, rind thick; pulp acid, pale yellow.

Distribution & Habitat
Cultivated/grown in U.P. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

 Chemical composition Fruit juice contains 7 to 10% citric acid, phosphoric acid, malic acid, citrate, sugar. mucin and alkaloids. hesperidin. Abscisic acid, abscisin II, auxin, limonin, limonene, poncirin from fruits.


Rasa Amla, Katu
Guna Laghu, Tiksna
Vipaka Amla
Virya Usna

Karma Vãta-Kapha hara, Dipana-pacana, Caksusya

Internal use
Digestive system Being an antidisetic, palatable, appetizer, digestant, laxative and collagogue, it is useful in emesis. distaste, anorexia, indigestion, constipation, abdominal distension and liver disorders
Circulatory system As it is a cardiac tonic, antihaemorrhagic and blood purifier
Respiratory system it is used in cough induced by vata and kapha. Lime juice is put in nose in epitasis.
urinary system : Diuretic and reduces uric acid, Mixture of lime juice and yavakshar reduces dysuria and uric acid.

Skin Being diaphoretic. it is used in various skin disorders.
Temperature useful in fever and burning sensations.

Citrus medica

Alleviates vata. collagoguc.
Dhatu : Majja (tonic for eyesl. rakta (best medicine for haemorrhagic disorders).
Mala Mutragami (reduces uric acid), diaphoretic.
Organs : Eyes, alimentary system, stomach, liver.
Indications_ Agnimandya, Gulma, sula, Amlapitta, , Vãta roga.

Part Used— Fruit

Dosage—Fresh juice 15-25 ml.

Therapeutic Uses—

(I) Karnasula.. The oil prepared by using lime juice is useful .
(2) Amla Pitta— Fresh juice of Jambira may be given in the evening (C.D.)


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