Botanical Name—Oxalis corniculata Liñn.
Names in different languages
Hindi Tinapattiya; Telugu- Puli chinta; English-Indian sorrel, Tamil Puliyaria; Malayalam- Puliparel;Kannada- Pullamapurachi; Marathi- Ambuti
Synonyms— Amla patrikã, Catuschada, Cukrikã, Dantasatha
Scientific classification: Oxalis is the common name for the family Oxalidaceae. The wood sorrel genus is classified as Oxalis.
Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Sãka varga
Sãka varga
Saka varga
Introduction—Changeri is the one of the most important drugs in Rasa sastra. It included in amla dravyas
Varieties & adulterants - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)
1 Cukrikã- Rumex vesicarius Linn.
4.Amla Lonikã
5.Sunisainah - Marselia quadrifolia
6.Siravãlika - Celosia argentia Linn
7. Oxalis acetosella
8. Marselia minuta
An appressed -pubescent, diffuse, perennial, creeping herb.
Leaves- palmately 3- foliolate, long-petioled, stipulate; leaflets cordate.
Flowers-yellow, borne in 2-8 flowered umbelliform inflorescence.
Fruits- subcylindric. tomentose or glabrous, 5-angles capsules.
Seeds- numerous, transversely ribbed, dark-brown.
Chemical composition : It contains potassium and oxalic acid. Malic acid, tartaric, citric acids, vitexin, isovitexin etc.
Rasa Amla, Kasäya
Guna Laghu, Rüksa
Virya Usna
Vipãka Amla
Kapha-vata hara, Dipana, Grãhi,
Internal uses
Nervous system : Juice is given in alcoholism.
Digestive system :, It is liver stimulant and astringent therefore useful in distaste, anorexia, haemorrhoids, dysentery, rectal prolapse.
Circulatory system : Cardiotonic and haemostatic. It is vasoconstrictor
Temperature : Ushna veerya but cool to touch
Satmikaran : Antidote for intoxicants, mainly dhattura seeds.
Important Yogas or Formations
Changed ghrita.
Srotogamitva .
Dosha Alleviates kapha and vata and vitiates pitta (by ushna veerya),
Dhatu :,meda - useful in rectal prolapse and strengthens muscles.
Mala Purisha (constipative).
Organs : Liver (stimulant) intestines.
Organs : Liver (stimulant) intestines.
Part used— Whole plant
Dosage— Fresh juice 6-12 ml.
Indications— Grahani, Atisãra, Kustha, Arsas
Important research work going on
1. Action on GI tract
2. Anti bacterial action
3. Action on nerve fibers
Therapeutic Uses—
(1) Unmãda- Juice of Changeri, Kañijika and jaggery (equal parts) shall be add together and administered orally .
(2) Arsas - The leaves of Trivrt, Dañti, Cangeri arid Citraka are fried in a mixture of ghee and gingely oil. Then they are mixed with curd and taken orally (C.S.Ci.14)
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