Posted by curesure Mohamad Labels:


Botanical    Name— Bombax malabaricum

Names in different languages
Hindi-semal; English-silk cotton tree; Telugu-Bürugu cettu, Malayalam – mullilave
Synonyms—Kantakandya, Moca, Moca rasa Raktapupa, Sthirãyu.

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Caraka          Purisa virajaniya, Sonitãsthãpana,Vedanãsthapana,
                        Kasãya skandha .. 

Susruta           Priyangvadi


The thorns are pounded with milk is a famous remedy for Acne infestation. Its fruit is poisonous.

Varieties & adulterants 

1.Sãlmali - Bombax malabaricum Dc
2.Küta Sãlmali - Ceiba pentandra (Linn.)


(i) S. malabarica— A
large deciduous tree, armed with prickles. Leaves-digitately compound, deciduous.
Flowers-crimson red, axillary or subterminal, solitary or clustered, appearing before the leaves. Bark-grey. Stamens many.
Fruit-a 5-valued capsule; valves woody. Seeds-many, globose, pale black, (Flowers in spring and early summer and fruits during winter).

(ii) C. pentandra— A medium-sized deciduous tree, 16- 30m. high. It yields dark-red, almost opaque gum. Bark-grey or green when young.
Leaves-digitally compound, deciduous.
Flowers-white, tufted . the end of branches or axillary. Fruit- oblong, 5-valved capsule, 12.2 x 5.2 cm. size. (flowers during January-February and fruits in March-April).

Chemical composition : Seeds contain stable oil. Mocharas has tannic acid and gallic acid.
Bark exudate (simul gum) gallic & tannic acids, Dgalactopyranose etc.
Bark-root bark-seeds- lupeol.
Flowers- hentriacontane, hentriacontanol, gossypol etc.

 Rasa Kasaya
Guna Laghu, Snigdha
Virya sita
Vipãka Madhura

Karma Pitta-vãta hara, Vrsya, Balya, Grãhi, Rasãyana
Distribution & Habitat
All over India, Sri lanka, Myanmas, Sumatra etc.

External uses

Bark — ant inflammatory, reduces burning sensation;
flowers — haemostatic. mocharas - astringent and used in wound healing:

In external bleeding — local application of flower juice or powder is done on the wound. Mocharas is used in oral ulcers ,local application on the face in discolouration and hyperpigmentation

Internal uses

Digestive system : Mocharas is astringent in property. So it is used in malena. diarrhoea, pravahika, raktaja pravahika, grahani, bleeding piles and other bleeding disorders
 Circulatory system : Flowers and mocharos are used as haemostatic.

Bombax ceiba

Respiratory system : As raw fruit is astringent hence is used in cough

Dosha :
Vitiates kapha. pittavatanashak.
Mocharas : Kapha pittaghna.
Dhats, : Vitiates blood, reduces meda, shuki’a (virtilizer), rasayani.
Mala : Purisha (reduces motility), (virajaneeya). (malena); mutra
(raw fruit)
Organs : Liver, spleen.
Mocharas : Vata shaman.
Datu : Rakta.
Mala : Purishagrahi reduces motility).

External uses

Bark — an inflammatory, reduces burning sensation; flowers — haemostatic. used in wound healing: thorns - Ickhan and frnproves complexion In external bleeding — local application of flower juice or powder is done on the wound. Mocharas is used in oral ulcers and in tooth powder A paste ot the thorns prepared in milk is used ior local application on the face in discolouration and hyper pigmentation It is used in pichcha basti

Internal uses
Digestive system : Mocharas is astringent in property. So it is used in malena. diarrhoea, pravah&a, raktaj pravahika, grahani, bleeding piles and other bleeding disorders Circulatory system : Flowers and mocharos are used as haemostatic.

Respiratory system : As raw fruit is astringent, it tones up the mused oil the throat and hence is used in cough
Part Used—Root, Stem bark, flowers, petioles, spines, gum, unripe/tender fruits (Marathimogga)

Dosage—Root powder 3-5 g; gum 1-3 g; flower juice 10-20 ml Indications—Rakta pitta, Pravahika, Atisãra, Rakta Pradara
Important research work going on
1.piles treatment

Therapeutic Uses—

(1) Atisara— Cold infusion of
a1mali petioles should be given with Yastimadhu and honey (S.S.Ut.40)

(2) Vrana— SalmaIi bark and Balã root etc., shall be applied externally (C.S.Ci.25)

(3) Pradara—flowers are cooked with ghee and rock salt and given orally as vegetable dish (B. P.)


  1. DINIK S.

    Hi.... i glue you my all regards...

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