Botanical Name— Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume
Names in different language
Hindi-Chalmogara; Bengali- Choulmogara; Kannada- Garudaphal; Marathi- Kadu Kaveet; Malayalam- Kodi; Tamil- Maravattai; Telugu- Adavi badam, Malayalam - Marotti
Synonyms— Katu Kapittha, Kustha Vairi, Alasakapahã
Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata
Caraka - nill
Susruta - Ubhayatobhagahara-
Vagbhata - Ubhayabhãgahara
Susruta - Ubhayatobhagahara-
Vagbhata - Ubhayabhãgahara
Introduction— This drug mainly used for the treatment of skin disorders like Kustha cikitsa. Seed oil is also useful.
An evergreen deciduous tree, upto 16 m or more in height. Bark rough, brown. Wood whitish, but generally turns brownish-grey due to fungal sap-stain and becomes streaked.
Leaf- oblong, ovate or elliptic, somewhat serrate, 10-16 cm long. Flowers- small, solitary fascicles, greenish-white.
Fruit- globose, mammilate, tomentose, 5.1-10.2 cm diameter. Seeds 15-20, striate, subovoid, obtusely angular, 2.0- 2.5 cm. long.
Distribution & Habitat
Tropical forests of western ghats from Konkan southwards.
Varieties & adulterants - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants)
1. Avicennia officinalis – saireyaka
2. Hydnocarpus kurzii
3. Taraktogenos Kurzii
4. Gynocardia odorata [CV]
Hydnocarpus anthelminticus
chemical constituents
Seeds & Seed hulls— Hypnocarpic, chaulmoogric and its homologues, gorlic, oleic and palmitic acids; anigenin, luteolin, chrysocnisol, hydnocarpin, isohydnocarpin and methoxy hydnocarpin.
Rasa Katu, Tikta
Guna Snigdha, Tiksna
Virya Ushna
Vipãka Katu
Karma Kapha-vãta atiara, Rasayana, Dipana, Kushtaghna, Krmighna, Grãhi.
External uses :
it uses in antipyretic, antiparasitic, cleaning and healing of wounds and curative properties. Effective in tuberculosis, lymphadenopathy, fistula and bone ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, gout in which pain is the chief complaint. Bhasma used for anjana which has curative action ( fruit pulp )
Internal uses :
Nervous system: Analgesic
Digestive system : Useful in ascites and helmithiasis, Emetic, purgative and anthelmintic
Circulatory system :purifies impure blood.
Urinary system Useful in urinary disorders,
Dosba Kapha srota (fluid absorbant).
Dhatu Rakta, meda, ma)ja, snayu.
Mala Mutra. -
Organ Eyes - ointment is useful in various eye disorders.
Dosba Kapha srota (fluid absorbant).
Dhatu Rakta, meda, ma)ja, snayu.
Mala Mutra. -
Organ Eyes - ointment is useful in various eye disorders.
Indications— Kusta, Prameha, Netra Roga, Kandu, Krimi
Part Used— Phala Majjä (fruit pulp), Seeds, Bija Taila (seed oil)
Dosage— Oil— about 5ml for sodhana procedures;
Dosage— Oil— about 5ml for sodhana procedures;
seed powder 4 to 5 g.
Important preparations— Tuvaraka Lepam, Tuvaraka Tailam, Tuvarakãsthi Vataka.
Research works—
1. action against leprosy bacilli
2.action in nerve cells
Therapeutic Uses—
(1) skin diseases— bark paste
plant image is not available other information is excellent
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