Posted by curesure Mohamad Labels:


Botanical Name—Tribulus terrestris

Names in different languages
Hindi-Gokharu; English- Cow hage; Telugu- Palleru; Tamil- Neringil.malayalm - gnarennil

Synonyms—Iksugandhika, vadañstrã, Trikantaka, Svãdukañtka, Palañkasã

Classification according to Caraka, Susrutha & Vagbhata

Caraka           Sothahara, Mutravirecaniya, Krmighna
Susruta    Vidarigandhadi, Viratarvãdi, Laghu Pañcamüla Viratarvadi                  

Vagbhata         Vidarigaiidhadi,

Introduction—it is the one of the important mutrala drugs in Ayurveda.

Varieties & adulterants  - (CV – controversy, AD – adulterants) 
1.Pedalium murex Linn
2. T. terrestris
3.xanthium strumarium
4.Martynia diandra
5.Acanthospermum hispidium


(i) T. terrestris—A small, prostrate, hirsute or silky hairy herb.
Leaves-stipulate, opposite, usually unequal , pinnate; leaflets 5-8 pairs, oblong, mucronate.
Flowers solitary, axillary or leaf-opposed, yellow or white. Fruits-globose, hairy, 5-angled, spinous with 2 long and 2 short spines on each cocci.
Seeds- obliquely pendulous. (Flowers and fruits during April- September).

(ii) P. murex— A glabrous annual herb.
Leaves- opposite or alternate, petioled irregularly toothed or almost lobed.
Flowers solitary, axillary, with 2 glands at the base. Calyx small 5-partite. Corolla yellow. Stamens 4, included, Ovary 2-called.
Fruits-hard indehiscent, pyramidal-ovoid capsules with 4 patent spines from base.

chemical constituents—
 (T. terrestris) Fruits—Chlorogenin, diosgenin, gitogenin, rutin, rhamnose
Roots—Campesterol, beta—sitosterol and stignasterol, neotigogenin Aerial parts— astragalin, dioscin, diosgenin, hecogenin, ruscogenin, trillin, furostanol glycoside, spirosterol saponin; terrestrosides A-F saponins C and G etc.


Guna   Guru, Snigdha
Vipaka Madhura
Rasa Madhura
Virya Sita

Karma Vãta-pitta hara, Vrsya, Mutrala, Rasayana

External use : Leaves are tied on wounds.

Internal uses:

Nervous system : Analgesic and vatashamak. Therefore used in neural debility,’ painful conditions and vata disorders. -
Digestive system : Stomachic, astringent, anthelmintic, but laxative in large dose., appetite, piles and helminthiasis.

Circulatory system : It is a cardio tonic, anti-inflammatory and helps in haemorrhagic
Fruit juice is useful in amoebiasis and splenomegaly.

Respiratory system :- used in cough and asthma.
Reproductive system : useful in preventing abortion, vaginal disorders, impotency and post-natal discharges.
Urinary system : Diuretic, dissolves calculi and amorphous calculi. Therefore useful in urinary calculi, dysuria and cystitis,
Satmikaran: Useful in debility

Indications— Mütrakrichra, Prameha, Hrdroga, Aras, vãsa-Kãsa

Parts used : Fruit, root, pentad.

Dosage— Decoction 50-100 ml, powder 3-6 g.

Important research work  going on

(1) Anti-cancer activity

(2)Action  nervous system

(3) action in liver

Therapeutic uses—

(1) Vãjikarana— Powder of Goksura fruit is boiled with milk and consumed

(2) Amavãta— Decoction of Sunthi and Goksura  will be of useful (C. D.)

(3) Kesa Vardhana— Göksura and the flowers of Tila are applied externally by making them into paste using honey (Sa. Sam.)


  1. Sherlock

    Hi, an interesting blog. But it would be really more accessible and helpful to most interested readers, including me (and given that your blog is basically in English), to have the Sanskrit terms translated to English where possible... mutrala, sothahara, krmighna, etc. I realize this would not always be possible, as some terms are not easily translatable, but surely a good many are...? However, thank you for providing the information.

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